Quran and Nahj al_Balaghah Institute

مؤسسة القرآن و نهج البلاغة


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One of Ali’s successes after memorizing the Qur’an, Hadith and Nahj al-Balagha is meeting scholars and religious figures. Meeting persons who have spent their life in leaning and teaching religious sciences, and making use of their experiences and useful suggestions were very crucial and future-guiding matter for Ali.
Ali had the honor of meeting the ayatollahs: Bahjat, Fazil Lunkarani, Meerza Jawad Tabreezi, Salihi Mazindarani, Safi Gulpaigani, Mishkeeni, Jawadi Aamuli, Noori Hamadani, Musawi Ardabili, Hasan-Zada Aamuli, Misbah Yazdi and Subhani, and he gained their care and kindness.
Detailing all these meetings needs a better occasion, thus we will briefly talk here about three of them:
* Ayatollah Mishkeeni listened to Ali’s pure Arabic recitation, and he was astonished to hear that and praised Ali for his performance, because he thought first that he is an Arabic child.
* Ayatollah Jawadi Aamuli addressed Ali important advices. Accompanying his father and brother, Ali was introduced first by the respected Qur’an memorizer Mr. Mas’ood Khurrami.
Knowing Ali and his brother’s knowledge and memorization, Ayatollah Jawadi Aamuli was pleased for that. Later on he delivered some questions. After answering these questions, Ayatollah Jawadi Aamuli said with his peaceful way of talking, ‘[these successes] are by the grace of the pure blood of martyrdoms; that is the Grace of Allah, which He will give to whom He will…’, and then he prayed to God for success in reciting Qur’an, understanding it and acting according to its glorious rules.
One of Ayatollah Jawadi Aamuli advices to Ali was to write down in a separate book questions he might think about when reciting Qur’an. And then, if required, he may discuss that with others, ask about it or find solutions himself in the future when he becomes intellectually developed.
On another part of his speech, Ayatollah Jawadi Aamuli said that he hopes through that (the above suggestion) to prepare responses to inquiries and obscurities delivered in the society, and that is what can be easily done through God’s continuous graces to Qur’an memorizer.
Continuing his valuable speech, Ayatollah Aamuli added:
“The exterior of Qur’an is a key to its interior…”
Then he addressed Ali saying:
“God has given you the key, so you have to open this treasure. When the divine essence has granted you success to memorize the words, that means He has given you the key, and when the key is given, who recites the key is just uttering the name of the key, and that is a grace, but yet it is still at its first steps…”
at the end of this meeting, Ayatollah Aamuli prayed to God and added, ‘It is by the grace of the late Imam and martyrdoms that these dears are having now this divine table.”
* Ayatollah Noori Hamandani delivered many questions concerning Qur’anic verses and words, and then mentioned names of some verses and Ali was telling their numbers. Later on he referred to the existing differences in the numbers of Nahj al-Balagha’s sermons and letters in different copies, and then he recited an opening of a sermon. Ali told the number of that sermon and referred to its differences in various copies, and then continued reciting the rest of the sermon.
Ayatollah Noori Hamadani delivered other Questions concerning the letters of Nahj al-Balagha and Ali correctly answered them. He congratulated Ali and Hasan’s father for educating such blossoms and said, ‘As you worked with them on memorization and they have succeed, you should try with them on learning Islamic sciences such as morphology, structure, jurisprudence and principal of jurisprudence in order to be skilled researchers and scholars. I hope that each of them would be a radiating light for Muslims and Islamic society.’
