Quran and Nahj al_Balaghah Institute

مؤسسة القرآن و نهج البلاغة

Ali Reza-Zada Jouybari

Ali Reza-Zada Jouybari
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Ali Reza-Zada Jouybari was born in 1991 in the city of Qom, the beating heart of the Islamic revolution in Iran. His father was a clergyman came from ‘Jouybar’ to Qom for religious education. His mother was a housewife spending few hours a day on dressmaking too. On his birth, Ali had two sisters, one was five years old and the other was seven years old, and they were very pleased with him.
Ali’s family was living in an environment of religious teachings and high regard to the Holy Imams, and Ali has grown up in such surroundings. When Ali was two years old, God granted him a beautiful brother whose name is Hasan.
When Ali became four and a half years old, his father decided to teach him Qur’an step by step. So he started to teach him short verses of the Qur’an word by word.
But a crucial event took place in the life of Ali’s father that made him work on teaching Ali seriously. That was during his spiritual retirement (i’tikaf ) in Jamkaran holy mosque, when the two young memorizers: Muhammad Sadiq Waziri and Muhammad Husayn Tabatabaie, performed a wonderful Qur’anic show there. Muhammad Sadiq, then, has memorized about fifteen parts of the Quran and Muhammad Husayn Tabatabaie has memorized about ten parts, and they were answering the questions of the audience accurately. The surprised audience highly appreciated the wonderful memorization of these two memorizers and their responding abilities. Here it was when Ali’s father suddenly remembered his son. ‘Ali is able to memorize all the Qur’an, he can do that by the help of God, certainly he can.’ Ali’s father decided to lay out a practical and precise plan to teach him and work with him even more than what he had seen from those two young memorizers. Thus he dedicated a lot of time, even more than a half of his useful time, to teaching him.
[Persian poet says:]
Since you’re dealing with a child
Childhood tongue should be opened.
Ali was able to play during the course of teaching and he was going to parks with his family. He was participating in the Qur’anic competitions, in which the small prizes he was gaining have seriously encouraged him to willingly memorize the Qur’an away from any pressure or stress.
The work was going on slowly at the beginning, as Ali was not able to read and write then. Thinking that the job is a little bit difficult for Ali, his father asked him once, ‘Ali, if you are tired let us stop.’ But Ali immediately responded talking about his interest in the Qur’an and his desire to memorize it all.
After six months from the day Ali started to memorize Qur’an, he was not able to memorize more than the last and the first parts of the Qur’an, and that was by his father’s assistance, continuous repetition and using recorded tape.
Ali’s father was not in a hurry on teaching him, rather the work was going on according to his ability. Assisted by his father, Ali gradually learned reading the Qur’an by himself and began memorizing the second part of it.
Ali was memorizing the number of the verse too, while some known memorizers then, like Muhammad Husayn, have not worked on that yet. One day Ali’s father told him that it is not necessary to memorize the number of the verse, as he thought it might be difficult for him to do that. But Ali smiled and said, ‘I like it.’ Thus, that was an interesting thing for Ali to do himself.
Days and months passed quickly and two years were over. Ali now is a memorizer of ten parts of the Qur’an, but he feels a strong power inside him.
From that time forth, Ali showed a strong ambition to memorizing and continued working more seriously until he was able to memorize the rest twenty parts within six months to be a memorizer of the entire Holy Qur’an! One essential reason for Ali’s significant success in memorization is avoiding any kind of hurrying. Ali memorized more when he was felling that he has more ability to do so, and he did not forget to go back and repeat the previous memorized verses.
At that time, Ali’s two sisters and young brother were showing an interest in memorizing Qur’an too, and they were able to memorize few parts of it, but they were not offering enough time for that as Ali was doing, so when his father saw his increasing ability he started working with him more and more.
Seeing his regular program, Ali’s mother started taking care of him more than before, hoping that her dear son’s efforts would lead to his memorizing all the Qur’an. At last Ali has succeeded, by the grace of God, to memorize the entire Holy Qur’an at the age of seven, thanking his kind parent’s efforts.
