Quran and Nahj al_Balaghah Institute

مؤسسة القرآن و نهج البلاغة

Quran recitation courses

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In the name of Allah
Salam Alaykom



Quran recitation courses


Quran recitation and memorization training courses:

• Reading of Quran
• Tajweed
• Alhan
• Memorizing Joze 30
• Memorizing the whole Holy Quran



Courses are held as general courses or in private


Private course starting date: at most, one week after registration

The Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him and his immaculate family, said: The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others.


We are proud to have you in our courses of reciting and memorizing the Holy Quran, we thank God for this and we ask God Almighty for more Tawfeegh inshalla.




1. You learn the Qur’an from skilled teachers who have been teaching the Qur’an for many years in different countries of the world.

2. The Quran is taught in three languages. Arabic, English and Persian. When enrolling in the above courses, the appropriate language for the Quran learner will be selected.

3. The Qur’an is taught at three levels. For beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

4. The student can see the teacher during the lesson and be in contact with him and ask his questions.

5. Classes are held online through the Zoom.

6. Classes and lessons held by the institute will be saved and sent to the group for Quran learners.

7. You can record classes and lessons held through Zoom and use them at another time.

8. You can share your homeworks on WhatsApp.

9. You can connect with your classmates through WhatsApp.

10. Class hours will usually be at evening or at night, and this will facilitate the presence of Quran learners so that they can easily attend class. The Quran learner can also set the class time in the morning or afternoon according to his time.


To register and get more information, send a message to the following number on WhatsApp








I would like to mention a few points for you:

1. If you want to have a voice call with me and know more about the details of the courses, there is no problem, so we will call you if you want.

2. It is possible for masters to hold one or two free training sessions so that you can more easily decide whether to participate in the course or not.

3. If you are determined in any of the courses, please indicate whether you want to participate in public or private classes, private classes will be held within a week after announcing your final choice. However, the public class will be held on the announced date if there are at least 5 students

4. Please, Let us know, what time is more suitable for you, to hold your class?

5. Please choose the language of your class. In addition to the language you want, can you speak two other languages or not?


We sincerely thank you for your cooperation
wish you the best.



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Quran recitation courses. Quran recitation courses. Quran recitation courses. Quran recitation courses. Quran recitation courses. Quran recitation courses. Quran recitation courses.
